Dec 30, 2008 03:56
So, I lost my other post on this matter. Fair enough, it means I can put things succinctly since I don't feel like retyping it all, even at 100 ish WPM.
Sunday I had a brunch with a group of professional black gay men. Really cool, since I don't really get to see too many, even though I was the youngest there by far. I met ONE, however, that actually kinda intimidated me in a relaxed cool and VERY interesting manner. Think Black Scruffy hippy daddy. Light skin, build of a wide-reciever or quarterback, tall, dreadlocks, and scruffy facial hair/chest hair. O..M...G!! I was honestly too intimidated by him to carry on much of a conversation, but I could tell he was checking me out, so, there is that, and I think I shall see him again at other gatherings where hopefully I can grow a pair.
Tonight, however, the reason for my rather late post, is because I have been up for a while on YouTube unleashing the geek, as it were.
How? How about searching for the theme songs to all my favorite anime? And Video/PC Game Soundtracks? Yep, thats right. However, I got something out of it in reading the comments. Some of the anime, honestly, connect on an emtional level, and one of the means they use is their music. The thing I got tonight, that had me tearing up a bit, was that OTHER PEOPLE connected in the same way, to the anime and the music.
It was one of those geeky 'We're Not Alone and we aren't THAT weird' moments. I let the geek out to play more and more these days, because that, honestly who I REALLY am. I have posted on this subject before, but it bears saying just the same. I slept late this morning after checking work emails, sending a few and eating breakfast, so I feel better.
I hope all is well. I need sleep now.