The Birthday that Was, Still Possible to Suprise.....

Dec 07, 2008 21:38

So... my birthday dinner was a smaller affair that intended, but oh so fun. Asian Mint for dinner with two friends (two others did not show due to sickness, which I can honestly understand, having just gotten over the bulk of a sinus infection last week). We then went to Zippers, where I got some great lapdance/touchy-feely action from the strippers who were more my type (I don't like the dumb looking, over-tanned ones, I don't care how great their bodies are).

My MOM cooked dinner for me Saturday at her place and we watched movies and laughed, which honestly was the PERFECT saturday night. The fragility of her health still sometimes concerns me, as it did last night, but she is getting through it and looks great. She even bought me some Grey Goose, which wen't in the freezer since I can't drink anymore for quite sometime after this weekend, with the diet and all.

Dad even called and sang happy birthday over the phone. I still haven't called him, but he is on my list tommorow (more on that in a minute).

And today proved that its still possible to suprise me. Even with the fact that I can buy myself most of the things I want and did so for this Birthday (some fall clothes, a GPS system and new computer), something cannot be bought.

I was told to show up at Luke and Jesse's house at 5PM sunday. I thought nothing of it, since they just got back from seeing Jesse's folks, and they are known to do little Sunday dinner things. I did my workout, showered and headed to Richardson, where I was greeted with 'Suprise!!!' as 7 of my closers friends and acquaintences were all there with Luke preparing a nice tapas dinner. O..M..G. We watched a Wall-E Blu-Ray and chatted after dinner. They even got me an ice cream cake and a candle.

Ya know what? Yeah, damn it, I cried a little bit. It was one of those special things that breaks us out of our 'Just another day' mindset about birthdays, when people you know are friends do something unexpected and suprising to SHOW it. It's humbling in so many ways, both large and small.

So, the week ahead looks good, albiet quite busy, ending in my first Phys therapy training session at Landry Center. He is going to show me some cross training exercises for joint flexibility and then show me how to do them in the pool they have there, which my Sports Med Doctor said I should be training in once a week at least.

In other news, I am now back down to 190 lbs even as of today. Thats a loss of 8 pounds in the 2.5 weeks since I started South Beach diet. W00T!!!

And,  I may go ahead and purchase my ticket to Miami this week, since I just checked the prices on Orbitz and they are quite good. I am concerned, however, as I have not touched my rackets in almost two months other than to move them during house cleaning.

HOw are you all?
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