Some kind soul on Facebook has been posting stuff from Doctor Who's Utah shoot. Not terribly spoilery, but I did notice one thing.
It looks like this time, Moffat may have to find a way to kill a Stetson. The image of the Eleventh Doctor lounging on the hood of a red 60's station wagon and wearing a Stetson is going to be with me for a while. Yes.
Some British fan was moaning and groaning about how the BBC is wasting money filming things in Utah that they could do on a greenscreen. And I'm looking at these pictures, going, there is no way in the universe that you could capture the mood and vastness of the American Southwest with a greenscreen. At least, not any cheaper than flying out and filming on location. You might as well do the Alps with greenscreen, or the Yangtze. It's not just the rocks. The air is different. The light is different. And your actors are going to act differently if they're in the middle of the vast scrubby wasteland surrounded by towering buttes.
Went to Trader Joe's. Picked up some frozen food. Because lunch at work needs to be more interesting. (Kat, they didn't have pumpkin butter. I was heartbroken.)
And I'm not at work today or tomorrow, originally just in case I could make it to Utah. As it is, it looks like I'll need the time to make peppernuts. My uncle has requested them specifically for Thanksgiving. Ordinarily, I wouldn't make them until after Thanksgiving, but I suppose I can do the first batch in November. After all, they don't go bad. Ever.