Rewatched "The Pandorica Opens"/"The Big Bang" last night. Mainly 'cause I could. May I just express my belief that the first scene between
Rory and the Doctor is, quite possibly, the single funniest scene in Who history? Probably because it is not merely funny. It's sad and joyous and the audience is bursting with excitement and disbelief that Rory is there, and so when you add in Darvill's awkwardness and Smith's flailing, it cranks the humor above and beyond anything pure comedy can reach. Rory just stands there, trying so desperately to speak up properly, and the Doctor is so completely incapable of grasping what's staring him in the face...
"I died and turned into a Roman. It's very distracting."
Oh, that whole story! First time we've had a season ender that I want to watch repeatedly.