Nov 05, 2008 19:11
Well, now, the election is finally over.
I'm hoping that Obama at least does somewhat well, what with all the enormously high hopes people are pinning on him. I thought the Second Coming attitude was bad before. You guys, he just inherited a recession and a messy war. Neither of them is going to end quickly. Also, the President doesn't actually have all that much power. And Presidents always break their campaign promises. The best we can hope for is that he picks a good cabinet and makes reasoned decisions, two things that mysteriously elude a lot of Commanders in Chief.
And there are a fair few economists who say we haven't yet seen the worst of the stock market. That 2009 is gonna be killer. That the combination of vaporised credit, lost jobs, and a steep drop in spending are gonna slam us bigtime. There's not a whole lot a President can - or should - do about that.
In other news, we had a spectacular sunset this evening. I could only catch glimpses of it on the way home, but there were swift-moving thunderclouds, and bright swaths of orange and gold, with the east all in twilit blue. It was magnificent.
At work, I'm chasing about $1700 across three years of history in one account. It's a bit frustrating, but I know I'll be delighted when I win. (Yes, win. When I find the discrepancies, I count it as a "win". Numbers are devious enemies.)
Mary is recovering from a hacking cough. Here's hoping no one else in the house gets it.