(no subject)

Jul 24, 2003 23:10

I keep getting reviews for my ancient HP fic "Some Things are Better Left Unknown" (on ff.n but I'm not posting the link 'cause it's three years old and starting to get embarressing) and I'm wondering what on earth is up. 'Course, it would help if more of the reviews were coherent (You know the type: 'Taht wa sso sweeeet!!1 U made my cry.r eally!'). (Wow, that actually took thought and planning to make it look like that...) Anyway, I'm curious as to what on earth has directed them to my fic. Except for Amberdulen's plug on her profile, I'm not mentioned much of anywhere, and dear 'Dulen hasn't done anything since mid-June.

Saw Pirates of the Carribean today. Spent a lot of time giggling to myself. Depp was just too much fun to watch. Flamboyancy is a good thing.

Was reading a thread on Sugarquill forums about the British version vs. the American version of Harry Potter. It explains why I get so confused when I write. Here I am, raised in America, but raised on British lit... I start wording things both ways, and sticking "t" where it ought to be "ed" and "u" where it doesn't belong. At least to Americans. Drat you, Tolkien, Lewis, and Rowling! XD

Though it was Patricia C. Wrede who started me on "drat".

I feel like a chaperone. Christy keeps checking to make sure I'll be home when her boyfriend visits, as having someone else about the house is a good deterrent against unplanned things. I see her point, but still... I feel like a chaperone.

We still have no shower. The basement is a mess. At least I don't need to do laundry for awhile.

I need to get the soundtrack to Pirates of the Carribean. Amy tells me that our Borders only had one, and she bought it. Perhaps I should visit the other Borders.

fanfic, harry potter, britishness, books, small random tidbits

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