Tell me that
this isn't a breeding ground for sci fi plot bunnies. I mean, seriously. If our universe really was "born" inside another one? Or that there are random other universes existing in empty space? Could you go between them? Could you get out of this one? Is this what the Doctor means by "time and relative dimension in space"?
The article says that the creation of one universe inside another "would be surprisingly unspectacular." Makes you wonder if you've got one in your room, you know?
Another line, however, intrigued me in a different way. "[The Second Law of Thermodynamics] is so fundamental to physics that pioneering astronomer Arthur Eddington insisted that 'if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation'."
Funny, because the Second Law is one reason why I reject macro evolution. Things just don't spontaneously go from a state of disorder to a state of order.
Anyway... child universes! Parent universes! Nesting universes! Science makes life more like fantasy every day. I love it.
In other news, we have a killdeer pair nesting in one of the medians of the parking lot at work. They're hilarious. One sits on the eggs and yells at every car that drives past, while the other tries to lead the marauding humans away by pretending to have a broken wing. Why they picked the parking lot median, I have no idea, and I have to wonder whether they'll have any energy left to raise the chicks if they spend all their time yelling at amused humans.