(no subject)

Apr 22, 2007 20:05

My life goes on in endless song
Above earth's lamentation
I hear the real though far-off song
That hails a new creation
No storm can shake my inmost calm
While to that rock I'm clinging
It sounds an echo in my soul;
How can I keep from singing?

Although the storm around me blows
I know the truth will guide me
Although the darkness round me grows
My song's the light beside me
No storm can shake my inmost calm
While to that rock I'm clinging
While Love is Lord of heav'n and earth
How can I keep from singing?

April is National Poetry Month, but it took me till now to find the poem I wanted to put up here.  Given that it's a folk song (with possibly Quaker roots), there's half a dozen versions out there, but this is the one I learned, arranged, if I recall correctly, by one Z. Randall Stroope.  I just love the end line.  "How can I keep from singing?"

Speaking of hymns...  "Gridlock" is an interesting episode.  I quite liked it.  The bit with "Old Rugged Cross" playing over the comm bordered on the surreal, though I thought "Abide With Me" at the end was well-chosen.  (Both times I'm sitting there singing all the words along with...)  I loved all the wacky characters in the cars.  The "American Gothic" couple was funny, if bizarre, given their unAmerican accents.  Seems Davies was having the usual fun with names: Mary laughed out loud at "Thomas Kinkaid Brannigan."  We were all caught off-guard by the twist - we'd been expecting the standard "overpopulation" plot of why these folks were getting killed on the motorway.  I loved that the Doctor gave Novice Hame a hug before remembering what the sisterhood had been up to in "New Earth."  Am glad Martha brought up the Doctor's habit of revisiting places.  "Rebound" indeed!  And I was thrilled at all he had to say about Gallifrey.  I wonder what all he told her?  Seems our Martha can boss the Doctor around, too, which with any luck will make her tenure on the TARDIS that much more interesting.

We also watched the episode "Cyberwoman" from Torchwood, and - NO SPOILERS - it felt like they said, "Oo, let's see how much angst we can fit in a single episode!  Angst angst angst... pack it all down in there... more angst... is that enough angst?  No!  There's still a happy moment over there!  FILL IT WITH ANGST!"  But oh well.

My car's 6-CD disk changer ate one of my CDs.  I did not know such a thing was possible.  Or that fixing it would actually cost more than replacing it.  Can we say "design flaw"?  So, umm... before our possible roadtrip in September, I will have to buy a new system.  I intend to get a single-CD player that - preferably - is also iPod ready.  At least my current radio still works.

Rain today, and birds singing outside my window.  Which was open.  Hah.  Spring is here.  With a vengeance.  Spring should come with a vengeance more often.

hymns, poetry, doctor who, car, torchwood, argh

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