Sep 01, 2006 15:43
Yesterday I was reading quotes from LotR (books, not movies, I don't quote the movies), and I'm sitting there thinking, man that's good language. It's like, every once in awhile I forget why I am first and foremost a Tolkien fan, and then I go back and read bits and say, "Oh yeah! That's why!"
That book is hardwired into my brain. Really. I unconsciously imitate the style all the time, and I'm always paraphrasing bits. And when I read it, it's like coming home after having been on vacation, or visiting a place I grew up in. I see a hedge with spiderwebs and think "netted over with cobwebs," like the Shire's High Hay. If air is smoky, I can't help but think of Butterbur's comment about "thick air." I see some kind of bird flying high above me and think "wheeled overhead," which I swear Tolkien used to describe both the Eagles and the Nazgul. And I don't half to try. It's there: stumbled over, picked up, integrated, forgotten about, until I see it again.
Cut my thumb yesterday. You know that kind of box cutter that has a razor blade that, if it gets dull, you can just snap off the end? Well... I shoulda used pliers. ::headdesk::
Fortunately I got the bleeding to stop pretty quickly, but it's such a long cut that I have to use gauze and tape.
Just inherited a really annoying database, where this big honkin' account keeps getting wrong transactions dumped in it. It's a lot of guesswork to get things to balance out. And this when I'm just learning all the monthend procedures! Argh.
Office closes at 4 today. And Monday's Labor Day. Whee! This is the first time in years that I'll actually get the day off.