Entry 1

Jun 22, 2009 02:55

To the person or persons or creatures responsible for the flyers, posters and pamphlets littering the Seireitei:

If you feel you must distribute this propaganda to all divisions, I would like to request that you leave your items in bound bundles, if only for Twelfth Division. Should anyone find any interest in the information contained therein, they will be able to take any of the papers for themselves. It will keep from littering the grounds, which is quite a nuisance to have to clean up in the morning. Although it does seem to be your missive to disrupt the calm in Soul Society, I must ask that you please do it in a tidy manner.
Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.

[To the rowdies in Eleventh Division]

Please refrain from pasting the propaganda that has been left by an anonymous person, persons or creature to any of our squad members.

Mayuri-sama, I have finished running the tests on the examples you were gracious enough to let me have.
Your suspicions were correct: They were printed in Seireitei.
The ink is not yet identifiable, I'm sorry to report. The chemical composition does not match any of the ink types produced in Seireitei. May I visit Rugonkai to obtain samples of readily available inks for sale there? The paper does come from Seireitei. The essays and pamphlets are printed on the same type of paper used for inter-division communications and announcements.
However, I do not believe that these papers were printed in the 9th division. There are several differences in the typesetting. These documents were printed on all one printing machine, as the same flaws in the typeset are repeated throughout the samples I was given to test. None of these flaws coincide with the flaws of the presses that we are aware the Ninth Division has in their possession.
There were fingerprints on each of the samples provided. However, the majority of them are from Tsubokura Rin. There are two unknown prints. One is extremely large, perhaps the thumb of a large man?, the other set seems to be of average size. These do not come from anyone in our division.
There was also a hair in the glue attached to the back of one of the fliers. The root of the hair was not attached and the scale pattern does not match that of a human. It is animal hair. However, without the base of the hair, it is not entirely possible to pinpoint whether it was a canine, feline, or any of the other common animals found within Seiretei.
Do we have a sample of Komamura-taichou's hair? Could such a specimen be obtained, if not? I am sure that Komamura-taichou would have nothing to do with this, however, it would be best to exhaust all possibilities in case Aizen decides to question the thoroughness of the reports.
I request your permission to gather--with the greatest secrecy-- samples of fingerprints from those who would have access to a printer large enough to handle a job such as this. As unfortunate as it is, I do believe that the perpetrators of this offence were officers in the Gotei 13.

Also, Kusajishi- fukutaichou has requested a communicator in the shape of 'a unicorn that poops candy stars' as she finds hers to be 'boring'. May I begin building a new communicator for her?

[[ Laying atop Komamura-taichou's desk this morning will be seven pairs of white cotton gloves designed for a person of his stature. There will be no note, nor any trace of the mysterious gift-giver]]

eleventh divsion, report to mayuri-sama, please do not litter, unicellphones, nemu will figure it out, go fluffy-taichou go, science!

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