
Oct 29, 2006 12:38

There are other ways to get to Amber. Trump in on a sibling’s card, or even Amber’s own. Other roads, too; you don’t have to came through Arden ( Read more... )

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song_tra_bong October 29 2006, 04:45:14 UTC
It's like talking with a sibling.

It's like being watched.

It's like bees in the back of her skull.

Only it's none of those.



scion_of_amber October 29 2006, 04:52:04 UTC
Hey, Mary Anne. Bad time?

Her image in front of Mary Anne flickers, slowly solidifying as they talk. Brown boots, green leggings and a darker green vest. Hair tamed by a fiery-braid and the tilts of two swords can be seen over her shoulders.

But the image is still not quite there, yet.


song_tra_bong October 29 2006, 05:02:22 UTC
She shakes her head.

No, not bad at all, just...not used to this. it itches Take it you're ready for me?


scion_of_amber October 29 2006, 05:04:20 UTC
You get used to it.

And then Fi smiles, and holds out her hand.

"I am, if you are." And this time her voice isn't in Mary Anne's head, exactly, but outloud. Of course, no one else can hear her but Mary Anne.


song_tra_bong October 29 2006, 05:10:32 UTC
Quick mental inventory--clothes are dark enough/damageable enough, knives are on, and the sword is always with her. It's enough.

"Born ready."

She takes Fiona's hand.


scion_of_amber October 29 2006, 05:16:57 UTC
And Fiona pulls her through.

For a moment, it doesn't look real, not through the glittering rainbow-light that chases Mary Anne's vision. And then Fiona lets go, steps back, and this is Arden:

the trees are majestic, towering next to them, thousands of years old and with the height to prove it. The breeze is cool and moist, and full of living things. It's summer, high-summer, and the sunlight is filtered through the leaves to look green-gold, except in some areas, where the light just looks like golden strings.

This is Arden, the orginal forest.

And Fiona just watches Mary Anne with eyes that seem the same colour as the leaves.


song_tra_bong October 29 2006, 05:22:52 UTC
This is the perfect hunting ground.
this could have been yours
This is what he never showed her.
this should have been yours
This is Arden.

She draws a long, slow breath before turning to Fiona.

"Thank you."


scion_of_amber October 29 2006, 05:27:10 UTC
Maybe, just maybe, it's time that they learned not to wait.

(Or maybe that's just Fi.)

The princess smiles, a little, and then opens her arms wide.

"Welcome to Arden. This, my darling Queen, is where we play. Or, we used to," and her arms drop. "And then we grew up. Still up for playing, though?"


song_tra_bong October 29 2006, 05:30:34 UTC
She flashes a grin.

"Forever and always, lovely. Just point me in the right direction."


scion_of_amber October 29 2006, 05:32:27 UTC
"That way," she points down the road. "And then...he'll come to us."

Her faint smile is odd, but it might just be the green light. Really.

"I brought some horses, although I left my boys in Camorra."


song_tra_bong October 29 2006, 05:40:14 UTC
"Good. I would so hate to have to chase him."

Her eyes might be a darker shade of blue, but it's probably just that same light; when she turns, after all, they look normal enough.

"We'll managed without them...Now, which of these two lovelies is mine?"


scion_of_amber October 29 2006, 05:42:50 UTC
Fiona laughs. "We wouldn't find him, not here."

In the middle of mildly hating him, and she's still proud of him.

"Well, I could, but I think we'll leave the spells to later. And your girl is the one on the right, Ditzah."


song_tra_bong October 29 2006, 05:54:21 UTC
"I suppose not," she murmurs.

Still, the attempt would be interesting.

She approaches her horse, murmuring softly and offering Ditzah a hand to sniff.


scion_of_amber October 30 2006, 04:34:10 UTC
Fiona gives her an amused look, which can be translated as you want to try and find him, be my guest.

As Ditzah and Mary Anne get to know each other, Fiona mounts her own horse and strokes Aida's neck.


song_tra_bong October 30 2006, 04:57:13 UTC
She catches the look and flashes a slight grin in return.

Once she feels comfortable with Ditzah (and vice versa), she mounts up.

"Shall we?"


scion_of_amber October 30 2006, 04:59:15 UTC
"Of course. This way," and she turns Aida back to the road and kicks her lightly to get going.

"And oh, Jean-Pierre finished the swords," Fiona adds, flashing Mary Anne a grin over her shoulder.


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