(no subject)

Aug 24, 2006 07:01

The door from Milliways leads the two women into the entrance way of Fiona’s house. A coat-and-mirror stand, hung with a couple coats and exotic hats, is to the left, while the right has a window and a wrought-iron hatstand.

The window has a clear view onto the garden - large, green, and gently raining.

Fiona gestures to the window, and sighs.

“It is, of course, typical - I invite someone over, and it starts raining. Hopefully it’ll be nice tomorrow, though.” The red-haired princess leads Mary Anne under the wide archway and into the main living room of her house.

“And, is roast chicken okay for dinner? I’d be more exotic, but I’ve run out of various things…I’ll have to go into town tomorrow morning, and then I’ll be able to cook.”

oom, mary anne

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