Jan 30, 2005 12:54
Just finaly just got my desktop computer at home connected to the wireless network. This means that I'll have AIM, MSN and Yahoo messangers always on (probably with a screen name of my last name) and that World of Warcraft may persuade me to forget about reality for a bit (right now I'm safe becuase there is a 39 meg update to download)
Worked in Exton Square Mall yesterday, that was a good diferent way to spend the day. Driving a hour and not being totaly sure of where I was going kind of sucked. Wandered around their mall a bit and did some shopping. Got Sword of Mana for GBA. Secret of Mana was one of the best games for SNES and this is the sequel, hopefully it is as good. Also got a sweater at Express, it's pretty snazzy, Carlos aproves but I'm not sure where I'll wear it. Also, got two shirts and a nice jacket at Hollister. Aparently since it's the end of January stores think that spring is just around the corner and it's time to push summer clothing. Thus, their winter clothing goes on sale. I happen to be quite sure that the cold weather will prevale for another 2-3 months so I'm getting lots of deals on nice cheap winter clothes. Yay Me! *note* I'm not turning into a preppy hollister zombie, don't worry.
I've spent quite a long time talking and chatting with Rachel lately. This is good, she is muchly cool and fun to talk with. Also, I'm aparently 'not stupid' according to her so that oppinion is always a plus.
Going snowboarding tomorrow for real finaly! Looking forward to that! Helped a girl yesterday that had broken her arm snowboarding so I'm hoping that will not happen to me. Hoping a Lot!