Eberron, D+D and bards.

Dec 10, 2010 10:19

Mostly for adance kibbitzing from the herd:

Carl gets to know 5th level bard spells this level. Three of them, to be exact of which he can cast 1/day (until he gets the +4cha item he's been saving for. Maybe even worth getting a loan for.).

Options include:
False Vision (misinformation for 14 hours in case of folks scrying us)
Mass Cure Light wounds (up to 14 people, doing 1d8+14 hp)
Mass Suggestion (We're not Jaiks Seven, Move along now)
Mislead (turn improved invisible and have illusory me to distract folks)
Persistent Image (create entire illusion scene scripted without concentration - fun!)
Seeming (a mass disguise illusion spell again up to 14 people - maybe useful for infiltrating the Death Star)
Shadow Walk (fast travel using the shadow plane - i like it!)

plus anything from Spell compendium I've missed.

So far i'm tempted by:
Shadow Walk (another mobility/transit option)
Persistent Image (stage shows, and recreating youtube videos for us)

So, the third slot is free and if any of you lot have thoughts for synergy etc, yell. Remember that Carl is not a combat bard, so his spell DC is not that pumped.

In other news - Inspire Greatness (+3 hit, +3d10+3xConMod, +2 fortSaves) now affects 2 allies at a time! Exciting.

All this with Mass Heal 2x/day.

If any of you have access to a printer - could you run me off the last page of:
pages 15/16 from here:

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