(no subject)

Sep 15, 2007 09:07

So I'm taking a break from being a Insect Ecology TA / Auqatic Ecology TA / Chaperone / Teacher / Rule enforcer (bad guy) to do some work on my computer.

I'm on an island, in Ohio. And there's a castle on it. Does this make sense to anyone? We're on Gibralter Island in Lake Erie, which is literally a 6-acre island within swimming distance from South Bass Island. It's a research island owned by Ohio State that offers 1 week and summer quarter college courses--open enrollment. So Mr Dewitt (the biology teacher), Dr. Bruening (environmental science teacher) and I are up here with our high school sophomore science kids through Tuesday. Today is great because we're having high winds, which equal 5-8 foot waves crashing up against the rocks all day on the lake side, and calm ripples on the bay side. Unfortunately it does mean that the insect class can't go on the field trip to a different island, mostly because I don't want to take the kids on rough waters for 30 minutes only to get puked on the minute we step onto land if not before. But we got a trip in yesturday and I ended up coated in muck up to my waist, so there has been some fun occuring.

however, i've come to the full realization that high schoolers are ridiculous. I had some hope for them the first few days, but it was all in vain. We were trying to give them the 'college experience' and let them have a little more freedom and trust, meaning they had to check in at curfew time and say if they were going back to the dorm or going to the lab to work on things and then everyone back in the dorm at midnight. Which considering that they're 14 and the amount of work they need to be awake for during the day to get everything done, that's pretty reasonable. Well we had several fiascos last night: 1) some students decided that they didn't need to listen to the parent chaperone's when they were told at midnight that it's time to go back to their room. big mistake. 2) same students were found still awake in the common room at 2:00 am. 3) I was woken up at 1:30 in the morning by a crying girl because she was irritable from lack of sleep and her roommates had been picking on her. 4) When I left my room at that point to go tell said roommates that they needed to go to bed, I noticed that there were 4 separate rooms (out of 7) that still had lights on and people up. And I was the 3rd chaperone (1st teacher) to tell them LIGHTS OUT. 5) then we hear this morning that people were not respecting the wishes of other students who wanted to sleep and continued to have lights on and study and talk in their rooms, keeping everyone up.  So Dr. Bruening announced this morning that they had been warned what would happen if they broke curfew, so now it's lights out 10:00 in your rooms, no arguements.

All I know is if someone wakes me up again in the middle of the night for an hour and a half, I am going to be one pissed off, sleep-deprived person.

High schoolers.

Other than that, this trip has been a lot of fun. We're still trying to figure out how to have an "adults escaping off the island trip" to the main island so we can have a break, get some good food and BEER. Which let me tell you, we need. But our option currently is a the rowboats..which would be fine if we were allowed to dock them anywhere.
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