[Accidental Voice Post]

Mar 20, 2009 21:04

[sounds of thumping at a door, then a vicious crack as its kicked open] Where are you? Gilbert!

GILBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERT! ANSWER ME! I'm your fucking superior you piece of shit! [furniture is tossed about, and when Dilandau speaks again its not quite as confident]

Come on... come on... hehe, stop kidding me around, Gilbert. Gilbert? [paper is thrown arounds and there is a long pause]

Shit, useless... you're all useless. You promised.... can't... alone.

Don't... AHHHHHHH! [smashing glass] Burn, burn, it all has to be burn... everything. I want it to.... [uncertain giggle, click of a lighter than a slow crackling] Everything burns away, worthless, stupid trash! Useless scum! Can't even follow through!! Simple fucking plan! ... it was going to be so glorious... so beautiful, heh.

[footsteps turn, stumbling a little]

Everything will burn. I'll make it... I'll watch it.

[cuts off, just as the crackling starts to build up to a roar]

[[ooc: Post will appear on the network for roughly ten minutes before being taken down]]

gilbert, need my doggie, alone, buuuuurn, minor breakdown, freaking out here

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