[public] really, LJ?

Jan 24, 2022 09:29

it wasn't until I actually went to my LiveJournal portal and saw the new message that was indeed waiting for me from the LiveJournal staff that I realized that their most recent email, despite such obvious errors and awkwardness as "You have received new message" and "We are in social networks", was actually legitimate and not phishing.

is this really what we've come to, LJ? you care so little about your non-Russian userbase that you don't even have native English speakers writing this stuff for you anymore?

well, there's a reason that every one of these posts has been originally posted to Dreamwidth for years now...

This entry was originally posted at: https://scintilla72.dreamwidth.org/765050.html. Please comment wherever you prefer.

livejournal, engrish

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