Cенсация! Коронавирус создан искусственно! (Нет)

Oct 25, 2022 00:14

Очередная сенсация! Коронавирус создан искусственно! Смотрите очередной препринт! (Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2). Инфа 99 ( Read more... )

наука, биология, фейки, коронавирус

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konevin October 25 2022, 18:05:21 UTC

Never thought about the difference between MIND and CONSCIOUSNESS? And CONSCIENCE apart of?

Mind is- Reasoning, Logic whatever else like Science and education and any laws.

Consciousness is what underline the reason or it is the mental faculties of the brain independent of the individual. It is some kind of spiritual cloud of emotions and feelings and unseen yet Ideas which are lurking under its surface out of control of his Mind.

Both Mind( pure human) and Consciousness(partly human but mostly Godly) could be normal and defected and degraded and even SUGGESTED (affected by some false authority if the conscience of the person in question is absent like in your particular case).

I do not see any normally functioning and reasoning state of Mind and Consciousness here in the group of the "likes"- collectors.

The question about God and Theology is UPWARD and super Natural of all the above said and LOGICALLY it is accented only by not only a normal brain but a trained in the field of theology Human brain with deep Belief in His Truth.

Check please the verbs TO ASSENT and TO DISCERN because The Inquisition of the glorious Catholic Church had used them to investigate the Souls of the suspected by abnormal behavior and never had made any single mistake.

И запомните вы все ради Бога -русский язык абсолютно не пригоден ни для науки ни для теологии хотя для последней гораздо лучше. Пример-ни в одним языке нет такого по отношению именно к Душе_душа, душенька, душёнка,задушевный,придушить, задушить, отдушина, духовный, бездуховный, воодушевление, ...это по сути САНСКИТ. Тоесть вам мудакам сам язык достался духовный а вы его пропили проебали и просрали и молитесь на статистические графики математических моделей неких геномов и ради чего? Да душенку свою продать подороже за валюту "британским ученым."

Флоренского читайте сукины дети и Выготского-их читают британские ученые.К попу пойдите, не смотрите на часы швейцарские его и не завидуйте смерды.

Тьфу на вас.


anthropophage October 25 2022, 18:20:55 UTC
Never thought...?

Never indeed.)
А дальше не читал
Don't be so stupid, stupid mind affects your body. Take care!


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