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badblock April 5 2021, 22:00:25 UTC
Да-да, и ещё обязательно плацебо-группа с фейковыми психотерапевтами. :)

"Both gender identity and sexual orientation can change, psychopathology may be a developmental factor in both, and therefore, we can reasonably deduce, some individuals, though not all, may make a significant and meaningful change in sexual orientation or gender identity through therapy.

...Therapy that is open to sexual variation change should be neither coerced nor banned. Shaming generally should be avoided by family members or others for an individual’s sexual variation or for the outcome of therapy, whether change does not occur or does occur in the heterosexual direction. Ex-gays have been subjected to shaming, sometimes by the LGBT community that rightfully decries shaming.

Some who have modified their sexual variation with the assistance of professional psychotherapy have regretted that their culture or family told them they could not and should not try to change through therapy. Some chose to live in ideological reference groups that supported chastity or change toward heterosexuality."

По поводу воспитания, имеются в виду в целом факторы окружающей среды:

“The inconvenient reality….is that social behaviors are always jointly determined” by nature, nurture, and opportunity (Kleinplatz & Diamond 2014, APA Handbook, v. 1, pp. 256-257).

Меняется, всё меняется.


scinquisitor April 6 2021, 15:00:00 UTC
Исследования где?


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