The fun of mobile phones!!

Mar 22, 2007 15:04 laugh of the week today and it was prompted by the manager I don't like :S

Rob rings Carl the maintenence man to find out where he turns out he's in the car park, not far from the staff room where myself, Jo and Amit (a temporary Duty Manager) were sitting. First I think it's Jo or Amits phone, so I ask them "Is that yours?" They both say "Not my phone." And then we see Carl walking across the car park, phone in hand with 'The Mexican Hat tune' playing and he's shaking his head and trying to pry the back of the phone off, Rob comes out to meet him and they both are looking at the phone which is still ringing. It won't stop ringing!! Eventually Rob walks off, and I think he's gone to do something in the kitchen or something, and then he walks back with a hammer. At this point I was in hysterics.
Finally Carl pries the back of the phone off and pulls the battery out and the ringtone stops. Apparently that was the second time his phone had done was just so very funny...I guess it loses a little bit of the hilarity in the telling...but trust me, at the time all of us in the staff room were in fits of laughter! ^_^
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