In Which I Add To April 5th's Entry

Apr 28, 2008 01:09

This is an article from elsewhere (IE, I didn't write anything after this colon):

According to some local sources, Rep. Davis contacted Rob Sherman to apologize. Rob Sherman's web site agrees and says he accepted her apology:


Yesterday, State Representative Monique Davis (D-Chicago) called me from the Floor of the Illinois House of Representatives to apologize for what she had said to me at last Wednesday's hearing of the House State Government Administration Committee. Rep. Davis had said, among other things, that atheism is dangerous to the progression of the State of Illinois, that children should not be allowed to know that my philosophy (atheism) exists, and that I had no right to testify to any Illinois legislative committee because the People of Illinois believe in God. She concluded by ordering me to "Get out of that seat!"

Some bloggers have asked what I said to instigate Rep. Davis' comments. I was testifying about why the Governor's proposal to donate one million tax dollars to Pilgrim Baptist Church is unconstitutional. Specifically, I was reading, in a very calm manner, from my laptop computer, the words in the March 4th "Latest Update," which appear below and which explains why the proposal to give money to the church is unconstitutional.
Rep. Davis said that she had been upset, earlier in the day, to learn that a twenty-second and twenty-third Chicago Public School student this school year had been shot to death that morning. She said that it was wrong for her to take out her anger, frustrations and emotions on me, and that she apologized to me.

I told her that her explanation was reasonable and that I forgave her. I also suggested that if she really was concerned about public school students dying needlessly, she should look into helping me to get passed legislation to get lap and shoulder seat belts on school busses that is pending in the House and in the Senate.
She thanked me for forgiving her and said that she would look into those two pieces of legislation.


Personally, I think Davis' explanation is pretty thin. Her anger at the shooting may be justifiable, but one could hardly believe it would cause her to suddenly feel prejudice toward atheists. (If it had been a Jewish person testifying before her committee, would she have started shouting, "You Jews believe in destroying!"?) More likely, because she was upset, she let slip a prejudice that she already held. Still, if Sherman accepts it, that's good enough for me.
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