Title: Melting
Pairing: Rocky/Adam
Rating: PG-13
AN: Last fic for
30_kisses! And I'm done! *dances*
It wasn’t fair, Adam thought desperately, trying in vain to pull his eyes away from the sight currently tormenting him. It really wasn’t fair. He could take on Rita and Zedd’s monsters without flinching, could face down Goldar with impunity and he could make short work of the putties without breaking a sweat. So why was it that the simple sight of Rocky sucking on a popsicle threatened to turn him into a quivering wreck?
He knew it was ridiculous, but he couldn’t help himself and his eyes zeroed in on Rocky’s mouth, noting the brief flash of white as Rocky nibbled on the end of that blasted popsicle. And, almost as if in proof that there was no god, no merciful spirit watching over them, Rocky flicked his tongue over his fingers where the juice of the popsicle had melted and run down them. Adam fought back the strangled groan threatening to come out by biting down hard on his bottom lip. He wasn’t giving in to this, to this… whatever it was.
And just because Rocky sucking on that thing made him think of kissing and other things not nearly so innocent was no reason to succumb to temptation. Especially not with Aisha right there; Aisha who was smirking at him as if she knew exactly what he was thinking. Which she probably did.
He just prayed to whatever benevolent spirits might be out there that she kept quiet or he would be completely done for.
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