Title: What If?
Pairing: Rocky/Adam
Rating: G
Episode referenced: Changing of the Zords, Part 1
Rocky paced the Command Centre restlessly as Tommy hovered over Kimberly. How could Kim’s power coin just be gone? Who could have taken it? And why? It had to be someone who knew who they were, but as far as he or any of the others could tell, no one knew or even suspected. That meant an extremely long list of suspects or a non-existent one. Neither of which would help them.
Without realising it his eyes had fallen on Adam; his long time friend was quiet, even more so than usual and not a little pale. What if it had been Adam? part of him whispered. Would he be handling it as well as he was if it had been Adam’s power coin that had been taken instead of Kimberly’s? If it was Adam collapsing and having his energy sucked away because his power coin was in evil hands? Or even if it had been Aisha, what then? No, he didn’t think he’d be handling it well, not at all.
His hand drifted to his lower back and the dimensional pocket his morpher was currently tucked in. He wasn’t taking any chances; no one was touching his morpher but him. Unbelievable the thought might be, but where someone could get their hands on one power coin they could do the same again if they as a team weren’t careful. Zordon could keep Kimberly going for a while, giving them time to find her power coin and get it back, but if the thief managed to get hold of another power coin? They were in serious trouble and you could kiss the Power Rangers goodbye.
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