Title: Mornings Like These
Pairing: Kai/Leo
Rating: PG-13
AN: I thought I'd already posted this a while back, but as I can't seem to find it anywhere on my journal I guess not. I may have posted it elsewhere though, so if you've seen this before, my apologies. :)
Kai cursed under his breath as he picked up the shirt he’d been wearing that afternoon. There was no way he could wear it for work tonight, not considering the punishment it had taken earlier. There were chocolate stains down the front, and he was almost positive he knew where the other stains had come from. No, there was no way he could wear this to the lab.
The jeans were fine, those he could get away with and he had underwear at Leo’s apartment so that wasn’t a problem, it was just the shirt. Naturally, with him at the lab and Leo being Leo, the clothes he kept at the other man’s apartment in case of emergencies hadn’t been washed yet, so he couldn’t wear one of those either. He scowled as he dropped the shirt he was holding into the washing basket and stalked over to Leo’s wardrobe. If Leo couldn’t keep with up with the laundry he was going to find himself down a shirt.
Pulling the wardrobe open, Kai shook his head in complete non-surprise. Did Leo have any shirts that weren’t red? Pulling one out at random, he decided it would do for tonight and pulled it on. It was at that moment naturally that Leo walked out the bathroom, hair still damp from the shower and sticking out in all directions. His eyebrows rose and Kai gave him a cool look.
“Seeing as someone can’t keep up with their laundry I don’t have anything clean here. And considering the shirt I was wearing earlier got totalled,” he ignored the smug smirk on Leo’s face as the he spoke, “I’m using one of yours.”
Leo shrugged. “Fine. Red looks good on you anyway.”
Kai rolled his eyes but didn’t protest when Leo gave him a very thorough demonstration of exactly how much he liked seeing Kai in red. Reluctantly though, he turned his head away slightly. “I have to be in work,” he reminded his boyfriend, prompting a soft sound of disappointment.
“I don’t suppose I can persuade you to call in sick?” was the hopeful-but-not-really-expecting-a-yes question and Kai laughed softly.
Leo stepped back and gave him a lop-sided smile. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”
Kai just shook his head, before pulling Leo into a quick kiss before grabbing his keys from the bedside table. “I’ll see you later.”
“Just don’t make me have to drag you out the lab again.” The warning followed Kai out the door and he scowled slightly. He’d been teased mercilessly about that for weeks. Hopping into his car, he headed for the lab, wondering what they would have for him this time.
Link to table