Title: New Beginnings
Pairing: Rocky/Adam
Rating: G
AN: Last post before Christmas, so ‘Happy Christmas!’ to everyone who celebrates it and ‘Happy Holidays!’ to everyone who doesn’t. :)
“You know,” Rocky said cheerfully, the newly restored power rangers strolling through the park, heading for Ernie’s. “These new ninja powers are very cool. Those Tengas are going to be kissing dust.”
He punched the air in emphasis and Adam laughed at his friend’s enthusiasm. “I know,” he agreed. “But it’s too bad we can’t access them without the power coins. I’d love to use some of the new moves in regular training.”
“Tell me about it,” Rocky sighed. “The super speed? I could totally use that when I’m running late.”
“That’s not what the Power’s meant for,” Billy told him reprovingly.
“I know that,” Rocky protested. “I’m just saying it would be cool, that’s all.”
Billy gave him one of his Looks, then the stern expression softened into one of wry amusement. “The ability to move at an accelerated speed does have practical applications,” he conceded and Rocky grinned at him in satisfaction.
“I knew you’d see it my way,” he joked, then rubbed the back of his head as Aisha reached forward to swat him. “Hey!”
“Behave, Rocky,” she scolded and he shrugged, surreptitiously moving out of range before she could swat him again.
Adam bumped his shoulder, giving him a mischievous grin that Rocky had no difficulty recognising. It was good to know, he reflected, that Adam knew him so well.
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