Alright, some or most of you will probably have heard about the new adult content flagging system - found
here if you haven’t. While it might be unnecessary, seeing as Power Rangers as a fandom seems to fly pretty much under the radar for the most part, I’m applying the adult content option to my fics rated R and above. R will be classed 14+ while the NC-17 will be 18+. Again, possibly unnecessary, but I like being on LJ and I’d rather not get ban hammered by 6A, hence the covering my ass. Honestly though? I’m not writing much smut anyway, most of my stuff fitting somewhere between G-15, so overall it won’t affect much of my journal.
Apologies to anyone on my flist/anyone who lurks here on a regular basis and is affected by this.
Also, I’ve put up a similar post on my sentai lj as well, so apologies to anyone who gets hit with this twice.