Title: On the Wings of Rage
Pairing: Jack/Sky
Rating: PG-13 for possibly dark imagery.
AN: This was written based on the
MENSA-verse SG-13 fic by
kikos-ai, so it's basically an AU of our AU. Go figure. :) You do need to scroll down though, it's the last ficlet on that post.
Jack stared at the still form of his husband, pale against barely paler sheets, and his hands clenched into fists. Sky was a seeker of knowledge, not a warrior, he should never have been put in the kind of danger he faced every time they went through the chappa’ai; should stay safe in the labs where the most danger he faced was too much coffee. Doctor Beckett was a good healer, the best, but Jack had seen enough fatal injuries to know one when he saw it. Sky was hovering near death and it was too soon to tell if he would survive.
He closed his eyes against the memory seared across his mind; of Sky standing surrounded by the warriors of the planet they were on, artefact of the Ancients clutched in his hand, his fear evident on his face; against the memory of Sky having a spear plunged into his chest before he could defend himself, of Sky falling to the ground in slow motion. What came next was a blur, a red haze that scorned reason and delighted in fury and bloodshed. He’d exacted his revenge, taking out the pain of his failure on the pathetic excuses for men that dared to harm his husband, almost decapitating Captain Carson before recognition dawned, reason returning to him to his senses.
He hadn’t looked at the bodies littering the ground, kneeling instead at Sky’s side while Lt. Delgado focused on stemming the blood coming out of Sky’s chest and it seemed like forever before the puddlejumper had arrived to take them back to Atlantis. Sky had been whisked away to the infirmary and it had been a long time before Jack had been allowed in.
Opening his eyes, once more back in the present, Jack reached out and ran his fingers through Sky’s hair, no longer getting tangled in the long strands the way he used to. He would guard Sky better after this, he promised himself. He would guard him, make sure this never happened again. He wouldn’t even get annoyed when Sky had been drinking too much coffee to stay put, bouncing from one place to the next, words tumbling out of his mouth faster than Jack could understand and likely to cause trouble of one kind or another. He would do everything better, he swore, if only Sky would live.
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