Fighting Back. (Blue/White. Gaoranger AU)

Feb 13, 2009 21:58

Title: Fighting Back
Pairing: Blue/White
Fandom: Gaoranger AU
Rating: G

Murasaki sprinted through the village, holding her skirts out the way so she wouldn’t trip over them and fall, only one purpose in mind. The Gao Warriors had fallen and she was all that was left: she had to seal Gao’s Rock before the Orgs could find and destroy it, make sure they could never gain access to it or the power that was hidden there. Power that even the Gao Warriors hadn’t had the opportunity to use.

The G-Phones. If only they’d had the time to activate them, if only…

Kaede, Aoi, Sora, Yuuki, Yuu.


No, she couldn’t allow herself to dwell on if only, not now; there would be plenty of time for regrets later. Hopefully. It might be the end of everything she knew, but even if she’d failed at everything else she wouldn’t fail at this. There was no time, however and she could hear the Orgs chasing after her, gaining ground with every passing moment which only spurred her on more; she had to reach Gao’s Rock before they did or everything was truly lost.

Making her way surely through the foliage that masked Gao’s Rock, Murasaki smiled grimly at the growls of frustration that reached her eyes; at last, something that would slow them, give her the time she needed. Her footsteps echoing on the stone floor of Gao’s Rock, Murasaki wound her way through the corridors, looking for the place the G-Phones had been kept, awaiting their time to serve. When she found it she picked the box up reverentially and headed back into the main room of Gao’s Rock, the heart of their home, where she opened the lid to stare down at the strange, unfamiliar devices Arakami-sama had said would grant the Gao Warriors such great power. Tracing her fingers over the strange devices, she had one moment to mourn what could have been before the sound of the Orgs reached her ears, closer than she had expected.

Looking around for an escape route - while there were several exits to the room they all inter-connected and the chances of being caught were high - she realised there was only one option left to her. Clutching the precious box tightly, Murasaki took a deep breath and prayed that the survivors of the village, should there be any, would forgive her for deserting them; then she called on her power and vanished into the holy spring, hoping that the Orgs wouldn’t know it for what it was and destroy it.


How long she drifted in the nothingness Murasaki couldn’t tell, but there finally came a time when something stirred her senses, something… familiar. It was enough to break her out of the stasis she was floating in and return her to the inside of Gao’s Rock. She stared at the rubble in horror, still holding the box containing the G-Phones tightly; the Orgs that had chased her had certainly done their work well, barely anything remained of the home she remembered.

There was a strangled squeak from her right and she spun in place, the skirts of her yukata fluttering around her legs as she took in the sight of two young people - a boy and a girl barely past adolescence or so it seemed - their hands gripped tightly together, almost as tightly as she herself held the G-Phones and they were staring at her in shock, fear evident in their pale faces. She didn’t recognise either of them as children of the village so either they were from another village or she’d been in the spring a lot longer than she’d thought. They were also too thin, she noted in disapproval, and the state of their clothes would put any parent to shame. If they even had parents.

“Hello,” she said calmly, noting with interest the way the boy edged himself in front of the girl, somehow managing to not let go of her hand.

“We found this place first!” he said belligerently. “You can’t have it!”

“This was my home for many years,” Murasaki corrected him. “So your claim is invalid.”

He frowned - well, it was more of a pout than a scowl, Murasaki thought considering - and before he could say anything else she continued with, “And I would be grateful if you could tell me the year.”

“The year?” he asked, giving her a look that plainly said he thought she was crazy.

“Yes,” she replied patiently. “The year. And the era, if possible.”

There was something endearingly familiar about the boy, all messy-haired and full of bravado he reminded her a great deal of Aoi and… was that it? Was that what had awoken her, the presence of a potential Gao Warrior? And the girl, there was something about her as well, although she seemed a lot quieter than Yuu had been…

“Um,” he hesitated, glancing back at the girl and getting only a shrug in response, to which he in turn responded with another pout. “Well, the Orgs aren’t really big on us keeping track of the years and stuff, you know?” he started and Murasaki’s heart sank. So the Orgs had truly made themselves the power, hadn’t they? At least in this particular area. “But we manage.”

“One thousand,” the girl piped. “The year one thousand, Org era.”

Murasaki felt her knees go weak and she sank to the floor in disbelief. One thousand years? Had she truly slept so long? And what a task awaited her, if the Orgs had had all this time to establish themselves. One thousand years…

“H-hey,” the boy asked warily. “You okay, lady?”

“Kai!” the girl hissed. “That’s not polite.”

“What else’m I supposed to call her?” he hissed back. “Gotta call her something, don’t we?”

“My name is Murasaki,” she said quietly. “I’m the Gao Priestess.” She sighed, closing her eyes against the burning sensation of failure. “Or I was.” Would the Power Animals still respond to her after she abandoned the village? Were the Power Animals even still alive or had the Orgs destroyed them all?

“Never heard of a Gao Priestess before,” the boy - Kai - said dubiously, his expression still clearly saying he didn’t trust her one bit. Not that she could blame him, if he’d grown up in a world ruled by Orgs.

“No,” she said bitterly. “You wouldn’t have.”

A screeching sound jolted her out of her self-pity and both the boy and the girl - whose name she still didn’t know - went even paler than they already were.

“They found us,” Kai whispered. “How did they find us?”


“Who else?” he snapped, his grip on the girl’s fingers tightening even more.

Her mind calm for almost the first time since she’d awoken, Murasaki knew what she had to do. Opening the box she turned it to face the young people in front of her. “I need you to trust me,” she said quietly. “There is a way to fight back if you have the courage to take it.” She hoped they would: if they didn’t there was no hope for them; she might be able to escape back into the spring but she couldn’t take Kai and the girl with her. She had no intention of running, though, not this time. This time she was fighting back with every weapon at her disposal.

“What are they?” the girl asked and Kai elbowed her in the side.

“Don’t be stupid, Sae, it’s obvious what they are, they’re--” his voice trailed off and the girl - Sae - gave him an ‘I told you so’ expression. “Okay,” he caved, “I don’t know what they are either. Happy now?”

Sae shrugged and looked at Murasaki expectantly. “They’re called G-Phones,” she replied. “And they’re yours.”

“Ours?” Kai asked sceptically. “How do you know that?”

“She said she was a priestess,” Sae pointed out.

“Yeah, she said. We don’t know that for sure. She could be making all this up for all we know.”

“Do you have the time to argue about this?” Murasaki asked steadily. “The Org will find this room soon.”

“Fine,” Kai snapped, reaching for one of the G-Phones - blue - and snatching it out the box with absolutely none of the reverence it deserved. Sae was much more careful with hers, Murasaki noted in approval. “How’d we use these things anyway?”

Murasaki called to mind the memory of Arakami-sama teaching her words and the actions for just this purpose and she picked up the G-Phone with the flash of red down the centre, opening it carefully. “Do as I do,” she instructed and the pair dutifully opened the device, following her actions as she twisted her wrist, turning the G-Phone so it was facing out and pressing the button in the centre. Well, they almost got that far, when the scratch of Org feet on the floor came too close for comfort. “The activation call is ‘Gao Access,’ Murasaki added hurriedly as the Org’s shadow fell across the wall.

“Where did they get to?” the Org was muttering to itself. “Damn brats.”

“We’re not brats,” Kai hissed and at any other time Murasaki would have been amused; apparently the Org had hit a weak spot. “Gao Access, you said?”

“That’s right.”

Holding her breath, Murasaki watched as the pair completed their henshin into strange armour in blue and white respectively - hopefully it would be only the first of many - pride and worry and hope a tight knot in her chest. They were untried, these children, and she would be surprised if either of them had ever fought before, but Arakami-sama willing the power of the G-Phones would help them.

She didn’t want to send these newest Gao Warriors to their deaths as she had the others.

Link to au_abc table|Link to 10_hurt_comfort table|fanfic100 table

pairing: blue/white, genre: au, fandom: gaoranger, challenge: fanfic100, challenge: 10_hurt_comfort, challenge: au_abc

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