Title: Movie Night Complications
Pairing: Samezu Kai/Ushigome Soutarou
Fandom: Gaoranger
Rating: PG
uss_skyisland AU
Soutarou’s eyes drifted towards the door again. He’d reminded Kai several times that tonight was movie night - he sometimes tended to forget when he got as involved in his work as he was today - until eventually Kai had snapped at him that he got it, already, he’d be there. Soutarou had been half hoping that Sydney would bring Kai with her when she left the lab but she’d turned up distinctly minus Kai. But she did have Umeko with her and the two were being pretty snugly over on the other couch so that could be why.
He was about to risk his temperamental friend’s wrath by reminding him yet again when the door to the lounge slid open, Kai wandering in and collapsing onto the couch next to Soutarou, curling his legs up underneath him and resting his head on Soutarou’s shoulder. Soutarou blushed slightly but automatically draped his arm around Kai’s shoulders anyway. They were among friends here and besides, with Jinrai and Todoroki being so, um, friendly with each other, an arm around Kai’s shoulders like this wouldn’t really raise any eyebrows.
“Long day?” he murmured and Kai nodded, his hair tickling Soutarou’s neck, his breath warm against Soutarou’s shoulder.
“Yeah. Stupid computer. Stupid mineral sample.”
Soutarou rubbed Kai’s arm soothingly as his friend muttered insults under his breath about how long could it possibly take to search some databases, anyway, weren’t starship computers supposed to be better than that? The steady litany only stopped when the music of the film’s opening credits filled the room, Kai coming to a grumbling halt and hunkering down some more, his chin propped on Soutarou’s shoulder. This time around they were watching a film from early 22nd century Earth and while the effects were long outdated it was still a pretty good film. At least he thought so and the very fact that he did meant that he’d probably be getting an earful of sarcastic commentary within five minutes. If he was lucky.
When several opportunities for said sarcastic commentary came and went Soutarou risked a look down at Kai, only to find that Kai had dropped off to sleep. He sighed and gently patted Kai’s arm again before settling back to watch the film, always highly conscious of Kai’s head slowly slipping from his shoulder to resting against his chest.
“Hey,” Syd said softly when the film was over, leaning against the side of the couch. She was pretty much the only one left; well, her, Umeko and Henderson from Engineering. “You need a hand getting him back to his quarters?”
Kai still hadn’t woken up and Soutarou didn’t really want to disturb him either. It was kind of nice, having Kai to himself and the fact that Kai was being quiet was even nicer. He cut off the slightly uncharitable thought, embarrassed that he’d even thought it and tightening his arm around Kai’s shoulder in response. “No,” he said quickly, “I’ll be fine.”
“Sure?” she asked. “Because we can help.”
“No, it’ll be fine,” he insisted. “I can manage. He’s not that heavy, anyway.” He didn’t know what prompted him to add that last bit.
“Okay,” she shrugged, giving him a smile that he couldn’t quite interpret, “if you’re sure. See you tomorrow, Soutarou.”
“I’m sure. And of course, see you then.”
She sauntered out the door, tossing a casual wave over her shoulder as she left, Umeko giving them a beaming smile and a wink while Damon just shrugged and looked as about as confused as he felt. “Good luck, man,” the engineer said, eyeing Kai dubiously. “He’s going to be dead weight, you know.”
Soutarou shrugged back. “I can manage.”
“Okay,” Damon responded, holding up his hands in surrender. “I’ll leave you to it.”
Soutarou gave it a few minutes once they’d left before shaking Kai’s shoulder carefully. He knew from experience that Kai usually responded to being woken up in one of two ways: batting away the hand that was shaking him or snuggling closer to whatever he was lying against and muttering things like ‘five more minutes, nii-san’ or ‘g’way. Slp’n’. “Kai,” he said quietly, “wake up, the film’s over. Time for bed.”
Kai simply snuggled closer and Soutarou found himself blushing all over again, relieved that this time there was no one around to witness this. “Kai,” he tried again, firmer this time. “Wake up. You need to go back to your quarters.” And again, nothing; Kai was too deeply asleep and there wasn’t as much incentive to wake him up as usual so Soutarou didn’t put as much effort into it. “Okay,” he sighed, carefully disentangling himself and picking Kai up. It was just a good thing Kai’s quarters weren’t that far away; he only hoped there weren’t many people about otherwise he’d never hear the end of this.
Kai woke slowly, burrowing further under the covers and stretching luxuriously; he couldn’t remember the last time he felt this rested. It took a moment for it to sink in that something was off, something he couldn’t put his finger on. He opened his eyes and stared at the plant on the bedside table, then gave up on getting any answers from it and closed his eyes again.
Wait. Plant on the bedside table. He didn’t have a plant on his bedside table. His eyes shot open again and he sat up in bed, looking around him in confusion. This… wasn’t his room. This wasn’t his room, it was Soutarou’s room.
He was in Soutarou’s quarters.
He was in Soutarou’s bed.
He was… still fully clothed.
He groaned and flopped back down onto the mattress. What the hell was he doing in Soutarou’s room anyway? Last he remembered he was sitting on the couch with that stupid movie starting and… oh great, he must fallen asleep there; he was never going to hear the end of that. But that didn’t explain why he was in Soutarou’s quarters and not his own. Well, wondering about it wasn’t going to do anything and he’d find out soon enough, probably. He curled back up under the covers, burying his face in Soutarou’s pillow and breathing in the faint scent of the other man; it was probably the closest he’d ever get to spending a night with the guy.
“Computer,” he said blearily, “what time is it?”
“The time is 0823,” the computer replied promptly, sounding unfairly perky for so early in the morning.
Wait a minute… “Twenty-five past eight? Crap, I’m so gonna be late to the lab.” He scrambled out of the bed, sparing a minute to smarten up the covers before sprinting out the bedroom, out through the main room and into the corridor. He didn’t think he’d even been more thankful that their rooms were so close; a quick shower and a change of clothes and he should be fine. If necessary he could grab breakfast once he’d started work, Syd wouldn’t comment on that too much and what Commander Shinnosuke didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
And maybe he’d get some answers when he tracked down Soutarou later.
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