Title: All in the Name
Pairing: Yousuke/Ikkou
Fandom: Hurricanger (Hurricanger/Kamen Rider Hibiki)
Rating: G
Post-series: Yes, for both. Circa three/four years after Hurricanger’s finale.
AN: I’m not particularly happy with this, but it’s been sitting on my hard drive long enough and the thought of going back over it again makes me cringe. Then again I have a tendency to over think these things so I’m possibly just being paranoid and it’s nowhere near as bad as I think it is. I hope, anyway. Contains spoilers for the Hibiki movie. Kind of, anyway.
When Yousuke walked into Tachibana’s, Ikkou at his side, it was to find two people in there he’d never seen before. They weren’t customers, because the shop was closed for the night and, more importantly, they had the same kind of aura as the other Oni he’d met since he and Ikkou had crashed into the world of Takeshi and Makamou. He wasn’t entirely sure what to make of them, considering Kasumi-san’s harried expression as she wiped over a nearby table.
The smaller one had a shock of blond hair and sharp features that were almost feline, the other was leaner, with unruly brown curls and he was sprawled over the smaller guy with apparently no concern for personal space. Not that the other one seemed to mind all that much, Yousuke noted with interest.
“Ah, Ikkou-kun, Yousuke-kun,” Kasumi-san said, looking up with relief and dusting off her hands before brushing her hair out of her face. “Father wants to talk to you when you’ve got a moment.”
Yousuke nodded slowly, seeing Ikkou do the same out the corner of his eye. The two strangers were blatantly staring at them now, leaving him feeling distinctly uneasy and defensive, so much so that it was a relief to escape down to the basement for a chat with the boss.
They hadn’t been down long when there was a crashing noise from upstairs. Tachibana-san simply sighed and rested his head in his hands for a moment. “I see Nishiki and Kabuki have got in,” he said dryly.
“Those two guys from upstairs?” Yousuke wanted to know. “They’re Oni?”
Tachibana nodded, dropping his hands back onto the table. “Not quite the newest fully-fledged Oni, but close.” He smiled, fingers tapping against a manuscript he’d obviously been studying. “They’re a hot-tempered pair, but they won’t let you down. No matter how much they argue with each other.” The old man sighed and pulled off his glasses. “Just be careful about what you say around them, Kabuki-kun in particular. They’re both temperamental, but Kabuki-kun’s sore spots are a bit closer to the surface.”
With the brief meeting over and done with, Yousuke and Ikkou made their way back upstairs, nearly bumping into either Nishiki or Kabuki (whichever was the tallest) as the pair circled each other round a table, their expressions suggestive and almost hungry. Getting out of the way hurriedly they headed over to the far side of the room where Kasumi-san was standing scowling at the pair.
“Kasumi-san,” Ikkou said quietly, “should we--?”
“No,” she sighed. “It’ll be over soon enough. They’re always like this.”
“Tachibana-san said we should watch what we say around them,” Yousuke added. “Why?”
Kasumi-san slumped against the wall, arms folded across her chest. “I think he meant Kabuki-kun more than Nishiki-kun,” she replied, voice low. “Kabuki-kun’s teacher - the previous Kabuki - went rogue, tried to form an alliance with the Makamou. At the time father said it was something about the past repeating itself, but he never explained why.” She sighed, scratching at the back of her head in annoyance. “Kabuki-kun’s never forgotten that betrayal. I think that’s why he’s so fiercely loyal to the people he cares about and why he’s so dangerous when he fights the Makamou; it’s as if he’s trying to make up for mistakes he didn’t even make.”
Yousuke stole a sideways glance at Ikkou and found his lover’s expression as impassive as ever.
“So,” Kasumi-san said brightly. “Everything sorted?”
Ikkou nodded. “I’m supposed to start thinking about what my Oni name would be, seeing as I don’t have a formal teacher.”
“Well, you know it has to end in ‘ki’, right?” Kasumi-san asked. “How about… Ikki? That’s not too different, shouldn’t take much getting used to.”
Yousuke winced at the flat “no,” Ikkou responded with, flinching again at the sharp look Kasumi-san sent his way.
“Long story,” he managed. “But we’ll think about it, won’t we, Ikkou?” Ikkou tossed his head in annoyance, a grudging “yeah,” the only response he got. “Kasumi-san,” Yousuke continued, jerking his head in the direction of Nishiki and Kabuki, “are you sure you don’t want us to--?”
She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “No. Besides, they’re winding down now.”
“If you say so,” he replied dubiously. The pair were right in each others faces and… oh, maybe that was her point. “I guess we’ll be leaving then,” he said hurriedly. “See you later, Kasumi-san.”
And Nanami thought he and Ikkou were explosive, he thought, still a little stunned. But he and Ikkou had nothing on that pair.
Link to table