Title: Running Out
Fandom: Ryukendo
Pairing: Sakyou Rin/Narukami Kenji
Rating: G
AN: Set during the later half of the season
While she wouldn't admit to it, Rin was afraid for Kenji. She was afraid that maybe, for all Kenji's confidence, Jack Moon was the better fighter, that maybe today would be the day that Kenji wouldn't get up again, that maybe today would be the day Kenji's obsession with Jack Moon would get him killed. She didn't like thinking that way, it felt almost like a betrayal, but it was still kind of a relief to see a similar fear lurking in Fudou-san's normally stoic expression, to know she wasn't alone in feeling this way.
Even Kenji's luck couldn't last forever.
Title: Of Crushes and Car Keys
Fandom: Gransazer
Pairing: Hakariya Jin/Amemiya Ryoko
Rating: G
Jin watched dejectedly as Ryoko made off with his car keys. It was by no means the first time and it wouldn't be the last, either, and he'd never worked out how to say 'no' to Ryoko and have it be convincing. Hell, he probably never would, knowing his luck. He might as well just let her have her own set of keys and save them both the trouble of going through this dance every single time.
Well, he'd actually need to get his keys back before he could do that and it wouldn't surprise him to find out Ryoko had had her own set made up anyway and just pretended she didn't to wind him up. For all that she could be so serious, Ryoko had a mischevious streak that she seemed to delight in inflicting on him. He wished he didn't find that as attractive as he did.