Title: Moments of Darkness
Character: Tetomu
Fandom: Gaoranger
Rating: G
Episode referenced: Episode 31
She'd failed. She'd spent the past two years searching for the people chosen by the Power Animals only to lead them to their deaths. Yellow; White; Blue and Black, all of them now gone forever and it was her fault, all her fault. If she hadn't gone looking for them, if she hadn't given them the G-Phones then they'd still be alive, still be--
The tears streamed down her face as Arakami-sama whisked the Gaorangers away from Ura before he could wipe them out entirely, returning them to the sanctuary of Gao's Rock before sending them on the last stage of their journey, away from her and their surviving teammates. The Orgs had all but won and there was nothing else she could do; much as she wished she could, she couldn't bring them back.
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