The Pink Elephant in the Corner

Nov 07, 2007 16:18

Title: The Pink Elephant in the Corner
Author: Raven_McBain
Rating: FRT
Pairings: Speed/Horatio/Eric (sort of), Horatio/Eric, Speed/Horatio, Speed/Eric, Ryan/Horatio
Content Warning: slash, cheating partners, mentions of canon character death, short, Threesome (sort of), AU, supernatural elements (ghost)
Spoilers: Lost Son, Hell Night, No Man's Land/Man Down
Summary/Authors Notes: Speed had loved them both, enough to stick around after death to watch over them. But if Horatio was going to be an idiot then Speed would just have to start taking sides. This was written during a presentation on Post Modern Theatre. This bunny just jumped on my head and wouldn't go away. This is AU, because Horatio was never involved with Marisol and Eric was never with Natalia (Speed probably chased them off before they could get close).

Speed sat in his corner of their living room (yes he had been haunting them for long enough to call the corner his) and glared at the two men in the room. Eric had found out about Horatio and Ryan's night together and was pissed to no end, he had been shouting things like, 'how could Horatio do this to him' and 'didn't their life together mean anything', and Speed had been completely on the young man's side, even though it had looked like H had been preparing to attempt an apology or explanation. Then Eric had stepped too far and had snarked about H working his way through the men in the lab and Speed's support had wavered.

He loved them both but they were both amazingly stubborn, and pigheaded, throw in Eric's temper and H's defensive attitude and Speed had been completely floored when they got together, and was amazed everyday that they remained together. Not that there hadn't been some fights in the past but they had always managed to move past them. Now as a ghost, Speed could hardly take sides, though sometimes he swore that the men were aware of his presence, but he would never fail to yell at them when he thought they were being stupid, like now. H had been puling away from Eric, ever since the young man's time in the hospital (Speed had been scared himself, he had fully expected his friend to join him in the afterlife, but he had forgotten how stubborn the other could be) Speed knew that he was seeing another lover dying on him but still. Speed had known Ryan was 'into' his boss, though he would never make his move on his own (Speed was proud to say he contributed to this, the living might not see him per say, but he could still 'persuade' them into seeing things his way), but he had seen how much his boss was hurting, and checked to make sure he was ok, and that night had led to the current argument happening in their home.

Speed had remained with them, after his death, trying to comfort the two men that he had loved, cursing H for not telling him that he felt the same way, Speed loved Eric, and they had a good life together (prior to his death) but he loved H and he had suspect that Eric did as well. That had been a great deal of his first few months haunting them, defending himself against Eric's rants (he had cleaned his gun, it was not his fault the firing pin jammed, maybe he hadn't taken the greatest care of his gun, but he hadn't wanted to leave Eric), yelling at H, and trying to figure out how to bring his boys together. During these first few months he alternated between Eric and Horatio's homes and the lab. Occasionally pointing out mistakes to the (in his eyes) clueless lab techs, he even helped Calleigh out with one of his old cases, the baseball player thing. However it eventually hurt too much, he could influence them, but they couldn't see him and his lover was really taking his death hard, and acting out in true Delko style (at least his love had only gone to women and not men because then, Speed would have had to kill him) However he finally admitted that he needed help and turned to Horatio to get it. Which lead to them getting together, moving in together and Speed taking up residence in their home (and sometimes in their bed, though they couldn't see or feel him, they felt his presence, his love).

Well back to the present, Horatio had not taken well to Eric's comment and promptly began listing Eric's conquest, all but calling their lover a slut! Well there was nothing Speed could do but swat H for that (all the redhead probably felt was a cold breeze, but it made Speed feel a little better. Eric looked about ready to kill their lover, and Speed was thankful when all the hot-head did was storm off.

"If he leaves H, I'm going with him" Speed stated, knowing full well that H couldn't hear him, and probably wouldn't know if he made good on his threat, but he just had to say it, he had to do something, before the idiot tore them apart completely. With that, he headed off to make sure Eric didn't do anything stupid.

speed/eric, horatio/ryan, threesome, au, slash, horatio/speed, horatio/eric, eric/horatio/speed, angst, csi: miami, fanfic

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