Dec 11, 2010 09:42

 So. I REALLY hate modly posts...but I've seen this twice, first time I was going to let it slide, I saw it a second time and I'm not letting it slide now.


Do NOT change what I have written as the headers for the themes. I even went back and checked it just to make sure that the table worked right and it does. This means do NOT number it either! (You may number it if you still have the "headers" for the theme like "destroyed my heart", "pigtails", etc)

If you wish you may include the quotes where the themes were from but you do not have to.

If you've already done this, PLEASE go back and change it so that it's the correct theme!!

If ANYONE else is seen doing this, I will NOT be accepting your entry!!!

It is a PAIN to upload the icons when there's not a theme in the header (as well as a pain in the butt looking at the icons, because we can't see right away which 'theme' it has) please just stick with the table that has been provided!

I'm rather not happy how I've let a lot of things slide the past few rounds, so expect that to change as well.

Scrooge!mod is a Scrooge 
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