I'd like to welcome
shadowsong_13 as our new co mod! :) She's going to get us caught up with voting, and if she's willing, she'll remain doing that. :D Please give her the same respect you guys have always give me. :)
Themes will be posted tomorrow, and even though you're signing up for a pairing, the themes will be "different" this round, so be sure to sign up, it's going to be fun! :)
Round 20 Sign-ups now open!
1. You must be a member and have read the rules first.
2. Please choose a pairing from a Scifi TV show or Movie.
3. You may not use the Pairing that you used from the previous round.
4. There CAN be more then one person doing the same pairing
5. Themes will be announced on May 9th .
Username:Fandom:Pairing:Country:Theme Suggestions: Round 17 Participants
regularamandaStar Trek: Deep Space Nine
Worf/ Jadzia
You will be given posting access after April 5th. Please remember to make your posts on your personal journal, unlocked! We'd love to be able to see your entries!