Gorram Photobucket

Oct 18, 2007 16:48

For some reason, I have been unable to access my Photobucket account all day. Grrrr.  I really wanted to post scans of my most recent addition to a long list of items I collect: commissioned sketch cards.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to post any until whatever is wrong with Photobucket is fixed, but here's a list of the talented artists:

- Ahmed, Irma "Aimo"
- Bradley, Kate "Red"
- Cook, Katie 
- Gould, Grant
- Graham, Kevin
- Hodges, Tom
- Pedicini Jr., Don
- Persampieri, Connie
- Sohn, Allison
- Watkins-Chow, John

artists, sketch cards, photobucket, commissions

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