Okay, I can't do Abby since I only have Season 3 discs. I also don't know how to do gifs too much, so here are some icons:
I hope you like them. You can use them as bases (or change them) if you want. I can try for a different scene if you'd like, but I gotta scour for my Disc 4. D: Also, if you're unaware, Charlee's Angel has put up almost all the Pacey scenes from every season of Dawson's.
I didn't know what you meant by a friends page banner, whether it was for your flist or friends-only. But if you want to give me details, I'd be happy to try and make a DC one for you.
Also, if you're still interested in DC fic there are still plenty of active places. I mostly know Pacey/Joey (True Love Forever):
I hope you like them. You can use them as bases (or change them) if you want. I can try for a different scene if you'd like, but I gotta scour for my Disc 4. D: Also, if you're unaware, Charlee's Angel has put up almost all the Pacey scenes from every season of Dawson's.
Happy holidays.
And thanks for the YT link, I knew there had to be someplace that had them XD
Also, if you're still interested in DC fic there are still plenty of active places. I mostly know Pacey/Joey (True Love Forever):
With new fics updated: http://pjofics.yuku.com/forums/1/t/Pacey-and-Joey-fics.html
I also have a list of fav PJ fics not at PoTL that I'd be happy to rec to you if you'd like.
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