well, at least Tosh was in it

Nov 20, 2006 01:16

What the hell was that?
Welsh hillbilly cannibals?
Owen and Gwen being all melodramatic and skanky at the end?
Jack and his slow-mo tractor crash shot everyone in the leg save? <-- I laughed my ass off at that. I do not believe that was the response the writer was going for.
Welsh hillbilly cannibals?! <-- Are there hillbillies in Wales? I thought that was an American thing.
Ianto is a 15 year old girl!
Tosh got lines, yay for Tosh, and her apparent love of being in locked rooms.
Did I mention the Welsh hillbilly cannibals?
Ianto in jeans was of the yay.

This was just a bad horror movie from the beginning. There was gratuitous gore, main characters splitting up and getting caught, coppers who were in on it, and other cliches. Not to mention that all I could think of was "The Benders" I think ep 15 or so of Supernatural season 1, and I didn't like that one either (I don't care if it was based on the crazy Bender family in real life, it was still nasty).

Oh and from what I've gleamed from others comments apparently there should have been sheep everywhere.

I believe this episode can be summed up with three words:


public, torchwood

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