Rainy blah blah...

Jul 23, 2008 13:23

As much as we need the rain..I hate how it makes me feel dreary! It started last night while I was at a soccer meeting with my 8 year old. The oldest, Aaron, was also at soccer...2 towns away and I couldn't get back to him before it had started raining so he had a nice 10 min walk in the rain. Of coarse he complained..hes 15 lol. I told him at least he had something to cool him off after such a gruelling practice. I can't believe he is a Junior this year! I am feeling very old now LOL.

Speaking of school..got to start school shopping for the boys. Before I do that I really need to clean out there drawers. I swear I did not realize I was raising clothes horses LOL. I figure a couple pair of jeans for each of them and a couple of shirts and we can call it good. And must not forget the socks..that they lose with an uncanny quick ability lol.

I hope it stops raining by tommorrow...wouldn't mind going to 6 flags. I totally reccomend getting season passes if you live close to 1.  We have definently payed for ours 2 times over.

I guess I should get off here and veg in front of the TV now LOL...I haven't been able to view all of my season 4 Atlantis DVDs and I need a Joe fix. See ya on the flip side.
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