Some of these are canon (exist on screen) and some of these should have been canon, but only exist in fandom (fanon)--which, if you're a fanboy/girl, probably makes them more legit to you anyway =)
not entirely related, but partially: I've started watching Firefly (my boyfriend is kinda a geek) and I actually really like it. I never thought I would, but it's actually pretty hilarious and interesting. So this made me smile I bit.
Yay! Another convert! I'm surprised you weren't already a fan. I totally associate you with geekdom, lol. But from the description of the show, it *can* be a tough sale for people not familiar with Joss' work nor fans of sci-fi westerns. lol
i actually haven't liked Sci Fi since the Star Wars... and then it was only the first (last) three. i never liked Star Trek or anything space related since then... so I was really opposed to even watching Firefly before, but I promised the bf I would watch one episode, and now im kinda hooked. I'm not quite finished with the series... too bad there was only one!
I don't really know what it is I'm into. I guess fantasy more than any other specific genre. lately I don't get to read much of that though, since I'm reading all historical school literature. bleh
Dickens, Defoe, Jefferson.... I'm blanking on everything I'm reading now. Some of it's classical, and some if it is just about the time period. REAAAL interesting. *headdesk*
Wow, I'm really surprised. I would have really pegged you as a sci-fi fan. I take it you're more fantasy then? Esp with LotR, obviously.
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