Apr 26, 2009 10:29
Well apparently locking myself in my room doesn't prevent epic things from happening.
Friday night was the shit. I had so much fun. We went to a Harvard frat party which was actually really great, perfect amount of people and everyone was really chill. Having my brains blasted out by Lady GaGa, Brittany Spears, and most amazingly "Jizzed in my Pants" was awesome, and I had fun hanging with the Katies O'Papa. I love them :D The best part was us stumbling into IHop at 1:30am and managing not to attract the attention of the police man randomly guarding the front entrance. I think I got to sleep around 3, content, slightly disoriented, but full of pancakes, eggs and bacon.
And then Saturday rolls around and here's me thinking I'll spend a nice quiet day watching the Top Model marathon and working on homework. The weather is nice, so I have the windows open, and the Katies are out at the park. And then...7:19 rolls around and all the power in Warren Towers - except emergency lights in the halls - cut out. Luckily it's still light outside, so I'm thinking its no big deal. Things start getting creepy when ten minutes pass and nothings happened, so I go out in the hall to talk to people. Sirens start sounding outside, and apparently people had gotten trapped in the elevators, so they called the fire department.
Except, apparently that's not the only reason the fire department got called. About twenty or so minutes later the fire alarms go off. Me being the geek that I am I grab my computer, sandals, school ID and cellphone. I wish I'd grabbed more, but at least I had those things. I get outside and there are like 17 firetrucks and a load of police cars and ambulances and they're making us go across the street. (Did I mention I'm all by myself at this point, because none of my friends are there...? That's what I get for not going along with them)
Anyway, long story short, something with the power just decided to go bugfuck and we didn't get back into our dorm until about 1:00 am. Six hours. At least it was a nice day out. And at least they decided to keep the student union and the convenience store in there open late for all 1800 of us. So I took my computer over to the Student Union after sitting on the sidewalk and bitching with people for two hours. I sat in the GSU for a couple hours, confused as to whats going on, eating snacks and waiting for peeeps I knew to show up. After a while I met up with three girls from my floor (Thank god one of them had a Mac power cord, my computer was dying) and we all chilled together until they gave the all clear.
Oh and I do have a new hoodie to commemorate the event. I told Mom to put $50 on my terrier card (school ID) so I could buy something soft to cuddle. Now my dark blue BU hoodie is a comfort object. I cuddled with it last night.
Please. Gods of college catastrophes. Nothing more! PLEASE!! Nothing more!!!!!