[Round 6] Second Story Excerpt Post

May 19, 2014 16:23

I apologize to anyone that was looking for the excerpt post but better a few days late than never, right? Just leave a comment below with a part of your fic (no more than 200-300 words, thanks!)

Please include the following information in your comment:
  1. Fandom:
  2. Any other info: (pairings, warnings, author notes, etc.)

If your snippet has adult content, ( Read more... )

.round6, [snippets]

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lrthunder May 19 2014, 22:18:26 UTC
Fandom: Star Wars
Info: No pairings to speak of. Spoilers for "Star Wars: Outbound Flight" by Timothy Zahn and "New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I"

Kinman Doriana studied the reports for the Chancellor. He was sitting at his desk, when the holo-projector chimed. He saw a flashing blue light and noticed someone was trying to contact him. At this time of night, he knew there was only one person who would do so and it wouldn't be wise to keep that person waiting.

He placed the datapads down and touched a button on the communication set. A second later, the shadowy figure of Darth Sidious materialized. "My lord," Doriana said, bowing his head. "What do you wish me to do?"

"Doriana, contact Jorj Car'das immediately. He is to provide a smuggler's ship and a crew he can trust. The ship and crew must be delivered to the following coordinates," Sidious said. Doriana noted the coordinates appearing on the datapad's viewscreen.

"It'll be done, my lord," Doriana promised.

"Make sure it is," Sidious warned. His image vanished.


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