[Round 6] Second Story Excerpt Post

May 19, 2014 16:23

I apologize to anyone that was looking for the excerpt post but better a few days late than never, right? Just leave a comment below with a part of your fic (no more than 200-300 words, thanks!)

Please include the following information in your comment:
  1. Fandom:
  2. Any other info: (pairings, warnings, author notes, etc.)

If your snippet has adult content, ( Read more... )

.round6, [snippets]

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stars_inthe_sky May 19 2014, 21:45:50 UTC
FANDOM: Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles (with elements from various other Terminator universe continuities)
NOTES: Gen, third in a three-part series

Savannah’s never given tunnel rats much thought until they show up for training or in her rosters, but then a stocky blonde girl streaked with dirt crashes headlong into her shins and sends them both tumbling. Savannah picks herself up and dusts off her rear, but the girl stays huddled on the ground like she’s waiting to be kicked in punishment. Savannah taps her on the shoulder and offers her a hand up, which she hesitantly accepts.

“I-I’m sorry I ran into you, miss. My mom said to be careful of the real soldiers, I know, I was trying to, I just thought I saw-” She stops mid-sentence at Savannah and Derek’s stare and swallows.

“It’s fine,” Savannah says, as comfortingly as she can manage. “Nothing hurt, and,” she twists around and digs a stick of jerky out of her pack. “Here. For the rat or whatever you were after.”

The girl doesn’t even hesitate-her teeth are in the jerky before Savannah even lets go of it-and she mumbles thanks around a mouthful of dried beef. Savannah smiles weakly and turns to go, but the girl grabs her arm.

“I don’t have any more-”

“No, I-I don’t mean to be greedy, miss. Just wanted to ask-are you…are you her?”

“Her who?”

“Sarah Connor-people were saying she died, but I saw your hair, and I thought-”

Savannah’s breath catches in her throat, and only Derek’s steadying hand on her shoulder prevents the sudden dizziness from turning into a panic attack. “No, she-she’s dead, like they said. I’m her daughter. Savannah Weaver.” The girl’s eyes get even wider, and she stops chewing just long enough for her jaw to drop.

Savannah wants little more than to get out of here, but instead she asks, with forced politeness borne of three months of babysitting, “What’s your name?”

“Riley-Riley Dawson, miss. Sorry to bother you. I’m just…”

It’s Savannah’s turn to be shocked; she tries to hide it, but the girl notices enough to ask, “Miss?”

Derek turns away to flag down a passing transport, so she takes a chance. “Riley, if you ever meet a woman named Jesse Flores, just-stay away. Trust me, okay?”


jesterlady May 20 2014, 02:25:23 UTC
I'm excited for this! Love it.


stars_inthe_sky May 20 2014, 13:04:54 UTC
Thanks! I'm excited at the prospect of finally finishing this epic project...it's been pending for like a year and a half!


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