[Round 6] First Story Excerpt Post!

Apr 15, 2014 14:35

It's the fifteenth of the month -- that means it's time for a snippet post! Just leave a comment below with a part of your fic (no more than 200-300 words, thanks!)
Please include the following information in your comment:
  • Fandom:
  • Any other info: (pairings, warnings, author notes, etc.)
If your snippet has adult content, you must link it back to your ( Read more... )

.round6, [snippets]

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dracoqueen22 April 15 2014, 23:21:36 UTC
Fandom: Transformers
Any Other Info: Act III of last year's Bigbang, though I may switch stories...

“Are you ready for this?”

Sideswipe cycles a ventilation, looks down at his recently roughened paint, the dents in his armor, the trembling of his fingers. “Don't see where I have a choice otherwise. We're in too deep now.”

“We should have gone to Monacus.”

A laugh bursts out of Sideswipe before he can stop it and he shoots his partner a wry grin. “You are never going to let me hear the end of that, are you?”

Smokescreen smirks, crossing his arms. “Not if I can help it. Right now, we could be hip deep in high grade, gambling our chits away, and at the whims of the most talented pleasure bots. Instead, we're here.” One hand gestures to the noise and bustle beyond their current hiding spot.

Here, Sideswipe reflects, being the Autobot recruiting station in Erebix. It's on the raggedy edge of Decepticon territory, that narrow and energon soaked line that divides one faction from the other, mostly inhabited by Neutrals and those who've yet to choose either way.

“And when the chits run out, the high grade wears off, and the bots break down, we still wouldn't have anywhere to go,” Sideswipe says with a frown. “This is our best chance for survival.”

“Until the Autobots realize what hand we're playing or Megatron realizes we're only as loyal as what keeps us alive.” Smokescreen sighs, sliding a hand down his face. “Well, there's no use debating it now. We've made this deal. Time to follow through.”

Sideswipe honestly isn't sure who Smokescreen is trying to convince more. Nothing about their current situation is appealing, but needs must and little options had been available. Cybertron is tearing itself apart at the seams. The only safety, ironically, is found in the thick of it.

“Right,” Sideswipe says. “Here we go.”


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