[Round 6] First Story Excerpt Post!

Apr 15, 2014 14:35

It's the fifteenth of the month -- that means it's time for a snippet post! Just leave a comment below with a part of your fic (no more than 200-300 words, thanks!)
Please include the following information in your comment:
  • Fandom:
  • Any other info: (pairings, warnings, author notes, etc.)
If your snippet has adult content, you must link it back to your ( Read more... )

.round6, [snippets]

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enmuse April 15 2014, 23:19:34 UTC
Fandom: MCU based ( ... )


moon01234 April 22 2014, 18:35:03 UTC
So sorry I've been absent. School's been hectic with lot's of reports demanded. I'll be back in business after tomorrow, if you are still willing of course. *bows head in shame*


enmuse April 22 2014, 19:34:24 UTC
I'm hardly gonna say no if you're still interested :)


moon01234 April 22 2014, 20:01:12 UTC
Still am. However, can I ask that you send the word doc version, please ? I thought that I could note it on pdf (I used to have an app for it) but it doesn't work.

On the other hand, the few snippets I could read were very interesting. :D :D :D


enmuse April 22 2014, 20:21:18 UTC
Putting it together now to send off ^_^


moon01234 April 22 2014, 20:26:10 UTC
Ok. :D Can't wait to receive it. I'll contact you after tomorrow with some notes.


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