Title: The Road Refuses Strangers
enigmaticbluesBeta Reader: Sandra
danceswithgaryFandom: SG-1/SGA
Characters/Pairings: John/Rodney, Sam/Jack, Daniel/Vala, Evan Lorne/OMC
Genre: Canon AU
Rating: R
Warnings/Enticements: References to past non-con, descriptions of torture and violence (about like what you'd see on the show). Part of my
If All Else Fails 'verse.
Word Count: 67,000
Summary: Atlantis continues to face enemies in the Pegasus Galaxy, including renewed threats from the Wraith, and continued pressure from Kolya. But those on Atlantis must also decide what kind of relationship they will maintain with those on Earth, and how many refugees they can handle. And as threats continue mounting, and they face increasingly more difficult decisions, something will have to break.
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DWAuthor's Notes: Many, many thanks to Sandra, my beta, and to
danceswithgary for her wonderful art. Title from the U2 song, “White As Snow.” Written for the 2013 scifibigbang. Although this is the last long fic in the series, I can’t promise there won’t be other, shorter fics in the future. Still, you should consider this series complete.