Title: Captain Reynolds Against the Interplanetary Crime League
omorkaBeta Reader:
susanmarierFandoms: Firefly x The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
Genre: Action/Adventure (Gen, but refers to canon het relationships in passing)
Rating: FRT/Teen
Warnings/Enticements: Non-graphic violence, reference to canon character deaths for both fandoms, medical scene, harsh language in both English and poorly translated Mandarin
Summary: The Firefly crew are trying to stay one step ahead of a group of bounty hunters with illegal drones, when they pick up an accidental hitch-hiker and his dimension-hopping Jet Car. Dr. Banzai helps them keep the ship in the black - but can he keep them out of the hands of those who hunt them for profit?
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Captain Reynolds Against the Interplanetary Crime LeagueLink to Art:
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Banner SizeAuthor's Notes: From Buckaroo's point of view, this is a sequel to my fic from SFBB 2009,
Spun Right Round, but other than knowing he's had previous interdimensional adventures, no knowledge of that fic is required for this one, nor any particular knowledge of the Banzaiverse beyond Buckaroo's Canon Stu status. Takes place after the Big Damn Movie in the Firefly 'Verse.