Title: In Our Youth Time
Author: Jesterlady
Beta Reader:
stars-inthe-skyArtist: draconeon
Fandom (or Original Fiction): Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings (Optional): Rory/Amy, Melody Pond, Eleventh Doctor
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Enticements: Canonical character death, personal timeline alteration
Word Count (Optional): 32925
Summary: The Doctor makes a different choice at Demon's Run and Melody Pond's life is changed forever.
Link(s) to Story:
Ao3 or
LJ Master PostLink to Media: As soon as my artist lets me know, I will update the post
Author's Notes (Optional): A few things to note about this story. I wanted a version of River Song where she grew up as Melody on the Tardis with her family. The story is canon up to A Good Man Goes to War, after that it diverges. The major things to note are that 1. Mels never existed, because 2. Melody can't regenerate. In my eyes, she is more like the Tardis than like a Timelord (why she can fly her, etc), but she only has one life and I'm fine with thinking that it's a life that always has Alex Kingston's body. The only other thing I'd say is that because of the changes the Doctor made, he and Melody will only ever have a familial relationship (uncle/niece).
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. Some dialogue is from the show. The title is by William Blake.
Mods: I have a tumblr post that I've made
here and I'd love a reblog.