Snippet Post #2

May 18, 2013 10:00

It's the fifteenth eighteenth of the month -- that means it's time for a snippet post!  Just leave a comment below with a part of your fic (no more than 200-300 words, thanks!)

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alexcat May 23 2013, 16:29:00 UTC
Fandom: Stargate: SG-1
Info: Vala and the team gate to a former Goa'uld world.


They gated to P9X-911 early on Monday. Cam was nervous in his Jaffa garb. He even had a fake mark on his forehead as did Teal’c to mark them as Qetesh’s Jaffa. Carter wore a simple peasant’s dress with lots of nice little pockets to hide things like a zat and some C4.

The M.A.L.P. was still in the clearing when they came down the steps. There were no people abroad but it looked to be as early here as it had been on earth. They checked their equipment and Vala, using her voice machine, said, “All right Jaffa, let’s go see what my planet looks like today.”

Cam and Teal’c proceeded her and Samantha followed behind Vala a few paces. Vala knew where she was going but it was still quite a stroll to the village. Though the area was wooded and green, the people still dressed in Egyptian garb, perhaps something that Vala had brought with her when she came as Qetesh.

They had not gotten far when a man stopped and dropped to his knees.

“Praise be, your Highness!”


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