How will art claiming work this year?
Artists: On Sunday, July 1st, a post similar to this will go up. Please reply to the post with your top three picks. You will be given one of those choices on a first come, first serve basis.
Claiming will end either on July 7th or after every signed up artist has made a selection/every story has been claimed. Claiming will resume the next day. At this time, artists will be able to choose any of as many of the unclaimed stories as they want. If there is sufficient interest and all stories are claimed, claims may be opened so that stories may be claimed by a second artist.
The Pre-Game Claiming Post
Authors: if you do not see your name on this list or any of the information is wrong, please let us know.
Artists: this is not the art claiming post. Use this post to let us know whether or not you're still participating, or to just take a look at what stories will be available with art claiming begins on Sunday. You can also check out the snippet tags (
LJ or
DW) to get a peek at some of the stories that are being written.
Please pay special attention to the numbering. When the official art claiming post goes up, if an author has dropped sometime between now and Sunday, their summary will be deleted but the numbering on the surrounding summaries will remain the same.
The official post will go up on Sunday, July 1st at around 10 A.M. PDT. Convert to your local time zone here. If this time is inconvenient for you or you will be away during claiming, please let us know.
Untitled - aaronlisa - Dollhouse/Supernatural 02.
To Escape, To Surrender - Camfield - Transformers G1 03.
Untitled - Csichick_2 - Eureka 04.
War Without End - Dracoqueen22 - Transformers Bayverse 05.
In the Clutches of This Darkness - enigmaticblues - Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG1 06.
The Darkest of Days - Flipflop_diva - Harry Potter/Buffy 07.
Epiphany - Florida_minxie - Stargate SG1/Stargate Atlantis 08.
A Son's Trust - foxy11814 - Forever Knight 09.
I, Bellatrix - Gamma_x_orionis - Harry Potter 10.
Harry Potter and the Last Dragonlord - Ghostwriter056 - Harry Potter/Merlin 11.
Two Sarah's at the Chalet School - hhertzof - Classic Doctor Who/Sarah Jane Smith Audios/Bernice Summerfield Audios/Black Hole High/Chalet School 12.
The Adventures of the Doctor and Rory the Roman - Jesterlady - Doctor Who 13.
Darkness Falls - Ladydragon76 - Transformers G1/IDW - AU 14.
Untitled - Not_from_stars - Primeval 15.
My Yesterdays In Front Of Me - off_the_post18 - Stargate SG1/Stargate Atlantis 16.
Through Fire and Rain - Omorka - Real Ghostbusters 17.
Over Unquiet Stones - Oparu - Star Trek: TNG/Voyager 18.
Wyld Wedding - Pairatime - True Blood 19.
Pawn or King - Penumbren - Marvel Comics 20.
Broken - Purple_dolphin9 - Harry Potter 21.
The Witches of Salem - Revenant_scribe - Supernatural 22.
Cynic's Bridge Part I: Arrival - Rosebfischer - Original 23.
Only The Scent of You Remains - scandalbaby - Doctor Who/Sherlock 24.
We'll Build Our Altar Here - Sheikah - Sanctuary 25.
Weapon of Choice - Snowynight - Marvel Comics 26.
Dragon's Crown - Tehexile - Gemfire 27.
When the Last Petal Falls - unbidden_truth - Star Trek Reboot/AOS 28.
Do You Know the Way to Ba Sing Se? - Windfallswest - Heralds of Valdemar/Highlander 29.
Of Oaths and Men - Wynkat - Original 30.
A Magician and a Gentleman - Xahra99 - Dragon Age 2/Dragon Age Awakening 31.
Fac Fortia et Patere - Yappichick - Halo 32.
A Sacrifice Refused - Zebra_in_Dream - Drag-on Dragoon/Drakengard